Worthy Brother Knights,
The Cardinal O'Hara Assembly has scheduled an Officer Installation for Wednesday, August 30th at the St. Louis Center in Chelsea. It is located at 16195 W. Old US Hwy. 12, Chelsea, MI 48118. We have collaborated with them and the Hudson Assemblies in the past (as encouraged by our Worthy Master) and want to invite you to attend the Installation. The Worthy Master is asking that all officers in the Color Corp dress in regalia as there will be a CC certification that day. We will need those in Color to be dressed and assembled no later than 6 pm to receive instructions and possible certification prior to the 6:30 mass. The Installation will follow the mass along with a meal served at the conclusion.
Please let me know as soon as you can if you will plan to attend so that I let the Worthy Faithful Navigator of Cardinal O'Hare Assembly and our Worthy Master know that you are going to attend. We also need to get an accurate count on attendance so the meal can be planned accordingly.
Thanks in advance for your prompt reply and I look forward to seeing you at the Installation!
Worthy Navigator Al Cielen.
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