Minutes to the meeting on December 1st 2016 for the Jackson area assembly 2186
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Worthy Navigator Alfred Cielen
The meeting was held at Our Lady of Fatima, The Pledge of allegiance was recited, and opening Prayer was given by Deacon Franssen.
The Roll call of officers
All officers were present or excused.
The Minutes from last month were read and excepted
Comptroller Report
Report given, motion made to accept seconded and passed. New dues will be sent out the second week of December by mail and email. Please respond that you received the email.
Purser Report
Report given and approved by Trustees, motion made to accept and was seconded and passed.
Faithful Navigator Report
The boat won the best religious float in the Jackson Christmas parade, Faithful Navigator wants to thank everyone who participated and especially Dale and Jason and everyone else who worked the boat lighting which made it look so good.
Unfinished Business
Placemat ads will be going to the printer tomorrow and a big thanks to Dale Fisher for all the hard work and also all of the others who helped. Placemats should be done by the January meeting. 2017 edition will have a memorial spot for Worthy Brother Chuck DeBoe and a Support our Troops emblem covering all branches of service.
Old Business
The falling soldier memorial for Brooklyn should be completed soon, the dedication day is being moved to Memorial Day due to some unforeseen issues, and a motion was made to pay the balance for the falling soldier statue with a do not exceed amount set. Motion tabled until next month at which time it will be voted on. Worthy Pilot David Vanhoof has a check for the Assembly from the Brooklyn American legion that will cover this balance.
New Business
The District Deputy reported the district meeting for all officers is going to be January 11th at Queens at 7:00 p.m. Light snacks will be served, there will be a second and third degree the second Sunday of March at St Mary’s, district deputy George Walrath reported a first degree at Fatima on Tuesday December 6th, and that there will be a first degree in concord on January 10th at 6:00 p.m.
Good of the Order
Deacon Lou Weitel, Father Lehner, Lady Kendra L’Huillier, Diane Brown, John & Marlyn Plachetka, Liz Virgnia , Father Richard Mcquinn, Phil Herbert, John Taylor, Dave Taylor, Lewis Truitt, Duffy Family, Dave C Chief Lefleur ,Matt Reniche, L Sara Lockwood, Ted Wozank , Linda Ford, Father Paul Cummings, Kevin Christiasen, Sherri Fistler Carolyn Bohy, Matt Lockwood and family, Gerald Gavthier, Grace Reasoned, Keith and Virgina Smith, Duke Reese, Angela Schleicher, Cathy Cielen, Lady Diane Duszynski, Rosemary Herzberg, Ron Karasek, Jamie DeBoe, Johnny Pate, Robert Ludwick, Gabriel Lockwood, Lesley Whetstone, Christine Henley, Pam Wilson, Polly Johnson, Mark Sommerfield.
Closing prayer by Deacon Franssen
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