ackson Area Assembly February 2nd2017
Minutes to the meeting on February 2nd 2017 for the Jackson area assembly 2186
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Worthy Navigator Alfred Cielen
The meeting was held at Our Lady of Fatima, The Pledge of allegiance was re sighted, Prayer was done by Deacon Franssen.
The Roll call of officers
All officers were present or excused, Faithful Inner Sentinel was absent.
Motion made for last month minutes to except as presented seconded and past.
Comptroller Report / Purser Report
Motion made to accept reports as given, seconded and passed.
Navigator report
Faithful Navigator reported he went to the district two meeting council received the rebate check for the exemplification refund, Dale Fisher received a check for the exemplification ads that he contributed too. He also reported that we need to have a big push for the 73rd exemplification it will be a one day program Saturday April 22nd 2017 the class honorees will be Lady Vicky Walrath former First Lady of district two and George Walrath former master of district two who we need to support with a good showing. So please get everybody there. State Deputy has requested each assembly donate $100.00 to the safe fest firework fund, donations from each assembly for the Hanceville nuns. State Deputy has also challenged every officer to sponsor one young man to the knights and additional challenge from the Faithful Navigator and Worthy Master is to get a signed form 400 and get them to an Exemplification
Unfinished business
The Fallen Soldier Memorial will be an eight to ten foot structure with the list of all the fallen soldiers from the Irish hills area and the bronze soldier on the top hopefully to be completed by Memorial Day.
New Business
Motion made to buy a full page ad for the 73rd exemplification, seconded and passed, motion made to buy a case of fourteen chalice funeral books, seconded paper ballots were requested passed. Motion made to destroy ballets seconded and passed, motion made to donate to the upcoming Faithfest motion seconded and passed, motion made to donate to Hanceville nuns seconded and passed.
District Deputy Report
District Deputy Jeff Thomas reported February 25th at Fatima the Dioceses Men conference will be held from 10am to 5pm. The cost is $40.00. February 22nd at St Johns school, awards banquet. St Mary’s is having a 2nd and 3rd exemplification Sunday March 12th candidate registration begins at 1:00 p.m., District Deputy George Walrath said that we need to fill up the Men’s conference because it is being held at Fatima and the Bishop is coming down. Benefit dinner for Tom Badall is also the evening of the 25th of February from 6pm to 10pm at the VFW hall in mason between Barnes and Kipp road.
Good of the Order
Deacon Lou Weitel, Father Lehner, Lady Kendra L’Huillier, Diane Brown, John & Marlyn Plachetka, Liz Virgnia , Father Richard Mcquinn, Phil Herbert, John Taylor, Dave Taylor, Lewis Truitt, Duffy Family, Dave C Chief Lefleur ,Matt Reniche, L Sara Lockwood, Ted Wozank , Linda Ford, Father Paul Cummings, Kevin Christiasen, Sherri Fistler Carolyn Bohy, Matt Lockwood and family, Gerald Gavthier, Grace Reasoned, Keith and Virgina Smith, Duke Reese, Angela Schleicher, Cathy Cielen, Lady Diane Duszynski, Rosemary Herzberg, Ron Karasek, Jamie DeBoe, Johnny Pate, Robert Ludwick, Gabriel Lockwood, Lesley Whetstone, Christine Henley, Pam Wilson, Polly Johnson, Mark Sommerfield. Tom Bedall, Bill Johnson, Pam Roller, Vicky Walrath, Keith Richards, Rosemary Hersberger, Loretta Herron, Jacob Franssen,David Arpasi, Mary Margaret Golek, Pam Roller , Millie Weise.
Closing prayer by Deacon Franssen
Scribe arlie keirns