Monday, April 25, 2022
St. Francis on the Lake
St. Francis on the Lake -
St. Francis Camp on the Lake serves children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our personalized day, residential and weekend camp experiences provide campers with opportunities to participate in fun and challenging activities designed to promote social, emotional, and physical development.
The camp will be hosting campers this summer at a cost of $600 per camper.
Fred Wilson made a motion to support 2 campers at $600/each for a total of $1,200.
We will have a paper ballot next month at the regular meeting since it is over $500.
Fr. Satheesh’s Mission Trip to Mexico
Fr. Satheesh made an appeal for support at the April meeting for his upcoming mission trip.
The trip is taking place after Easter.
The donation to support the mission trip will go directly to the poor and the money will be used to purchase 40-60 tons of food to support 600 families and an orphanage.
Tim Hill made a motion to support the mission trip with $2,000.
Fred Wilson seconded the motion.
We will have to have a paper vote on the motion at the May Meeting.
Fr. Satheesh leaves for the trip on April 19th and said we could send the money in May.
Honor Guard Assignments
Current List of Assignments:
• June 18th – 10-year anniversary of the church being built at our Lady of Fatima is being celebrated at 4:30 mass. 3:30 show time.
• May 14th – Rosary outside the capital
• April 23rd – Exempt in Battle Creek
• June 5th - Rose Parade – 11AM show time & 1PM start. Same route as the Christmas Parade.
• July 4th – Grass Lake 4th of July Parade.