Minutes to the meeting on March 2nd 2017 for the Jackson area assembly 2186
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Captain Carol Franssen Jr.
The meeting was held at Our Lady of Fatima, the Pledge of allegiance was re sighted, Prayer was done by Deacon Carol Franssen Sr.
The Roll call of officers
All officers were present or excused.
The Minutes from last month were read, motion made and 2nd to except as presented, motion passed.
Comptroller Report and Purser Report
Paper copies received and read, motion made and second to except both as presented, motion passed.
Navigator report
Dates to Remember;
March 11th, Michigan District 2 Joint meeting, 10Am St. Jude Community Center Dewitt. Navigator, Color Corp Commander and Comptroller expected to attend.
April 22nd, 73rd Exemplification of the 4th Degree, St. Patrick/St. Mary Magdalen – Brighton. Class Honorees: Lady Vicki Walrath and Sir Knight George Walrath. We currently have only 1 form 400 in hand and 1 commitment. Please ask all 3rd Degree members to join the Patriotic Degree.
May 13th, Living Rosary, State Capital – Lansing 2PM
Report of Committees
Color Corp;
March 12th, Corporate Communion, St. Mary’s Star of the Sea - 10AM mass, 9:30AM show.
March 19th, Corporate Communion, SS Cornelius and Cyprian - 8:30AM mass, 8AM show.
March 26th, Corporate Communion, Our Lady of Fatima - 8:00AM mass, 7:30AM show.
March 31st, Relics of the Passion, Shrine of the Pious Union of St. Joseph in Grass Lake - 7PM ceremony, 6:30PM report.
April 30th, Corporate Communion, St. Catherine Laboure Parish – 10:30AM mass, 10AM show.
May 13th, 100 years seeing our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Fatima - 4:30PM mass, 4PM show.
Unfinished business
March 12th, St. Mary’s Star of the Sea Council 9301will host a 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplification. Candidate registration begins at 1:30PM with the Degree starting at 2PM. Candidates should arrive no later than 1:50PM as doors will be closed.
New Business
Motion was made and 2nd to buy a $100 Congratulatory Ad for the 73rd Exemplification Honoring Vicki and George Walrath as class honorees. Motion passed unanimously.
District Deputy Report
Jeff Thomas – District 57
Awards dinner held at St John’s on February 22nd went very well. Thanks to all of those who volunteered. Congratulations go out to Our Lady of Fatima Council for work they did at the Mens conference on February 25th. On Monday March 6th there will be a 1st Degree at St. Marys starting at 7:30PM. Then on March 12th there will be a 2nd and 3rd degree held at 2:00PM at St Marys.
George Walrath – District 45
Thank you to the Color Corp for coming out and supporting the Men’s event here at Fatima.
Brother Knight and Michigan District 2 Degree Marshall Phillip May passed away at age 52. Keep his wife Heidi and kids in your prayers.
There are new requirements for the Columbian Award. Council must have a Church Activity, example; 5th Sunday rosary. Keep yourself out in front of the parishioners at your church. Also wear your KofC name badge at church when you take part as a Greeter, Usher ect… be proud of being a Knight.
Invite everyone to Fish fry’s regardless of religious beliefs, it is a good introduction into the Knights of Columbus.
Also remember the Color Corp is the strongest recruiting tool we have. Think about that and go back to your Councils and get them involved. They cannot come out unless invited.
Report of the 3rd Degree
St. Stanislaus Kostka Chapel, March 11th, 100 Club dinner – doors open at 5PM with dinner at 6PM, $25 a person. All you can eat and drink.
St. Catherine Laboure, Soup and Salad start March 3rd and every Friday during Lent, $5 donation.
SS Cornelius and Cyprian hosted a Benefit for Sir Knight Tom Badall last Saturday, February 25th. It was a good success and a fun time was had by all.
Reminder to exercise prudence / caution when attending a public meeting. Do not mention Knights of Columbus because you do not represent the organization.
Good of the Order
Deacon Lou Weitel, Father Lehner, Lady Kendra L’Huillier, Diane Brown, John & Marlyn Plachetka, Liz Virgnia , Father Richard Mcquinn, Phil Herbert, John Taylor, Dave Taylor, Lewis Truitt, Duffy Family, Dave C Chief Lefleur ,Matt Reniche, L Sara Lockwood, Ted Wozank , Linda Ford, Father Paul Cummings, Kevin Christiasen, Sherri Fistler Carolyn Bohy, Matt Lockwood and family, Gerald Gavthier, Grace Reasoned, Keith and Virgina Smith, Duke Reese, Angela Schleicher, Cathy Cielen, Lady Diane Duszynski, Rosemary Herzberg, Ron Karasek, Jamie DeBoe, Johnny Pate, Robert Ludwick, Gabriel Lockwood, Lesley Whetstone, Christine Henley, Pam Wilson, Polly Johnson, Mark Sommerfield. Tom Bedall, Bill Johnson, Pam Roller, Vicky Walrath, Keith Richards, Rosemary Hersberger, Loretta Herron, Jacob Franssen,David Arpasi, Mary Margaret Golek, Pam Roller , Millie Weise, Jeff Wilson.
Closing prayer by Deacon Franssen
Deacon encourages us to pray for the President and his Administration. Also pray for more Catholic priest for military Archdiocese and the Diocese of Lansing.
Scribe Arlie Keirns