Friday, October 28, 2016

Minutes - Jackson Area Assembly # 2186 – October 6, 2016

Minutes to the meeting on Oct 6 2016 for the Jackson area assembly 2186

The meeting was called to order at 7:47 p.m. by Worthy Navigator Alfred Cielen

The meeting was held at Our Lady of Fatima, The Pledge of allegiance was re sighted, Prayer was done by Deacon Franssen.

The Roll call of officer faithful Admiral Charles Deboe Deceased all others present or excused

Scribe report

The Minutes from last month were read and accepted

Comptroller Report

281 members 7 honorary 234 paid dues chalices have arrive, Reminder to fill out information completely for upcoming candidates

Purser Report

No written report this month, Purser gave verbal report. Motion made and second to accept, motion passed.

District Deputy Report

New District Deputy George Walrath, Gratitude from Lady Diane for everything we did for Chuck Deboe and family. A 2nd and 3rd Degree was held last Sunday at Our Lady of Fatima. Eleven new Knights went through the Degree’s. Please encourage them to go the fourth degree if they are from your Council.

District Deputy Jeff Thomas Reported there will be a first degree at St Mary’s on Sunday, October 9th. St. Joes Knights will be hosting a Dinner on Oct. 9th St Stan’s will be hosting a men’s night out for $25.00 on October 22nd.

Color Corp

October 9th Our Lady of Fatima, Corporate Communion 8:00am Mass with 7:30am show. October 16th Blue mass at St Johns 10.00 a.m. with 9:30am show. October 16th Confirmation at 2 p.m. with 1:30pm show, at our Lady of Fatima. October 21st showing of the Apostolate for Holy Relics at Shrine of the Pious Union of St. Joseph (Grass Lake) 6:30pm with 6:00pm show. October 31st Corporate communion at St. Catherine Laboure Parish, Concord. 10:30am mass with 10:00am show.

Faithful Navigator Report

Provisional is this weekend, October 7th~9th. FM George Walrath will attend. Michigan District II Lansing Diocesan meeting is Monday, October 17th at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the Catholic Community of St Jude Community Center in Dewitt. All Sir Knights are invited – especially all officers (Navigator, Comptroller and Commanders at minimum) Meeting is for officers to plan for the rest of the calendar year and go over plans for the upcoming Exemplification. Would like to see more Brother Knights at the prayer vigil in front of Planned Parenthood in Jackson on Thursday from 6 ~ 7pm.

Old Business

Update on The Fallen Soldier Memorial Faithful Pilot reported that everything has been approved by the Brooklyn City Council, He will also ask for donations from the Brooklyn businesses, and from American Legion to help with the cost. Congressman Tim Walberg said he would attend the dedication if he is still in Office after the election. Motion made to put $3500 down payment for Fallen Soldier Memorial, seconded by Dick Tyslenko, motion passed. Dale announced placemat ads going well, he has put together packets to help out if you are interested in helping. Place mat ads need to be in soon please get with dale so knows who is getting what ads. Lights for the boat still need to be purchased, and banners need to be located.

New Business We need ideas for the next fallen soldier location, please come back to the next meeting with your thoughts. Fred Wilson made a motion to take out a full page ad for upcoming exempt for $100.00 motion seconded by Dick Tyslenko, motion passed. Bill Roller made a motion for us to share refreshments with the 3rd Degree Council #6687 and pay $10 a month to stock the refrigerator, David Vanhoof seconded and the motion passed. Motion made and second to buy $100.00 draw down ticket from St Joes, motion passed. Motion made and second to buy $60.00 draw down from Our Lady of Fatima, motion passed. Winnings from either ticket going to the Faller Soldier Memorial fund.

Faithful Pilot was requested to take an equipment inventory of all of the Assembly belongings.

Elections of New Officers; Nominations were held to replace our Deceased Admiral, Sir Knight Charles DeBoe. Fred Wilson Jr. accepted and was unanimously voted in, and becomes our New Admiral.

Nominations were held to replace our Third year Trustee Fred Wilson Jr. who accepted the Admirals position. DD / FM George Walrath accepted and was unanimously voted in, and becomes our New Third year Trustee.

Third Degree Report

Advent concert at St Mary’s November 27th, Big craft show at OLF October 15th, Confirmation on October 16th, St Louis center is having a big fundraiser, there will be a wealthy donor to match donations.

Friars Report Deacon Carol asked everyone to make sure we make correct decisions in the upcoming president election, trust in god for the best outcome.

Good of the Order

Diane Deboe, Amy Shushock, John & Marlyn Plachetka, Phil Herbert, John Taylor, Dave Taylor, Lewis Truitt, Chief Lefleur ,Matt Renieche, Matt and Sarah Lockwood and family, Keith and Virginia Smith, Duke Reese, Former Master Vern Minor and Family, Family of David Benn, Lady Diane Duszynski, Rosemary Herzberg, Ron Karasek, Tom Badall, Carl Spring, Johnny Pate, Gabriel Lockwood and Lesley Whetstone, Christine Hewley, Repose of the soul Past Faithful Navigator and District Deputy Chuck Deboe.

Closing prayer by Deacon Carol Franssen.


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